Don’t Waste Time! 5 Facts Until You Reach Your Sex Toys


The variety of sex toys is surprising. Sex toys change from purely male or purely female adult toys to toys which you can use by both sexes. Additionally, there are some sex toys that may also be classified as sex aids or marital aids.


Some sex toys aid the man’s erection, stimulate the female genitals to are more sensitive or provide a different feel to ‘normal’ sex. Other adult toys provide an ‘environment’ for variations in sex, for instance so called orgy bed linens. Sometimes they are used to greatly help somebody who has difficulty with unaided sex to attain sexual satisfaction. However most sex toys provide a new way to directly stimulate the female or male genitals to achieve sexual satisfaction.

Using sex toys can offer new experiences and variation in the sexual experience. It can also provide a fantasy element for enhancing or revitalising a relationship.

The usual expectation is that a masturbator provides direct stimulation of the genitals in foreplay and/or during sexual intercourse or as a means to obtain orgasm through only the stimulation provided by the sex toy.

Types of Sex Toys

Vibrating Sex Toys

Probably the most well known sex toys are ‘vibrators’ which, as the name suggests, provide stimulation of the genitals using vibration. They’re mainly utilized to stimulate the clitoris, but could also be used to stimulate any other part of the female body or that of a man’s.

The simplest of these are pencil or wand shaped (though normally thicker than a pencil). They often have an interior battery (or two) which powers a little electric motor. Sometimes the battery pack and controller are external and linked to the vibrator by a wire. This motor is fitted with a little, out of balance, weight mounted on the shaft. As this weight rotates it throws the motor and vibrator right into a small circular movement which causes the vibration you feel.

With a vibrator that has a controller, because the power is increased the speed of the motor increases and with it both the rate and strength of vibration. Both the strength and rate of vibration effects how stimulating you discover the sex toy. The best effect may not be as strong and as fast as possible. The optimum settings may change as your degree of excitement builds. To get the very best results it is worth buying a vibrator which is controllable.

Different vibrators could have different characteristics and you’ll well find you prefer one combination much more than another and your preference may even vary depending on which part of the body you are stimulating.

Recently electronic vibrator controllers have appeared which provide not merely the static control of power/speed but also allow you to select patterns of power pulses and surges. These can be quite effective.

Additionally, there are other vibrating sex toys such as for example butterfly stimulators and vibrating penis rings.

Other Powered Sex Toys

There are some adult toys that use other ways to provide mechanical stimulation. These usually depend on a motor which makes the sex toy continually change its shape which gives a sort of rotational movement or helps it be move back and forth. The back and forth movements are sometimes powered by an air pump rather than a motor. The movements have already been used to create, for example, mechanical licking tongues, vibrators that ‘penetrate’ the vagina and mouth simulators to give a guy a ‘blow job’.

On a bigger scale plus much more expensive, you can find ‘sex machines’ that incorporate thrusting and vibrating dildos.

Combination Sex Toys

So far we’ve covered vibrating, moving and thrusting adult toys. Because you can have guessed they are all offered in a bewildering array of combinations.

A common combination in many ‘Rabbit Style’ vibrators is clitoral stimulation using vibrations and vaginal stimulation using movement and sometimes a thrusting motion as well.

Many adult toys add varying textures with their surfaces; a dildo or vibrator could have ridges or soft spikes or perhaps a rippled shape.

Sensation Change Sex Toys

Some sex toys instead of provide vibrating or moving stimulation, change the feel of sex.

For instance there are a variety of sleeves to put over the penis to provide different sensations for both partners while engaged in penetrative sex.

You can find rings that squeeze the base of the penis and/or tighten the scrotum that assist the man’s erection and in addition changes his sensations. You can find penis extenders and thickeners which may give a man’s partner greater sensations during penetration.

There are a wide variety of lubricants that can significantly change the feel of sex.

You can find PVC and Polyurethane bed linens which are water and oil proof which you can use for slippery or messy sex.

Why Use A Sex Toy?

. A good question is: why do people use a masturbator? Surely fingers, tongues, penises, clitorises and vaginas etc all provide great sexual stimulation and enjoyment.

Well, apart from therapeutic uses (eg erection assistance), sex toys can drive the imagination (being taken by a machine), provide variety (new methods to do old things), vary the stimulating effects in otherwise normal sex (penis sleeves) plus some can provide experiences not possible with ‘normal body parts’ (particularly vibrating adult toys and electro-stimulation).

Where To Start

When you have not tried a masturbator before and don’t yet have an idea of what you might like, try one of many simpler vibrators first. Almost certainly you will enjoy the experience and then start to wonder what other delights can be found with more sophisticated vibrators along with other sex toys …

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